Vignette of Life

Thou’st when solitary can see multitudes

In the silence, paint an enticing dream 

To turn away from the busy world

Your words drown and vanish like camphor

In the crowd, you see faces unknown

Maybe a cursory glance sans the words

Lost in smiles and superficial pleasantries

Words contradict true feelings of the heart

Your eyes see this world in various shades

Only the shades painted in truth are missing

Where hearts flirt with the true feelings

Love sprinkled like glitters for entertainment

When you witness an overt mockery of emotions

Soul loses its identity in the desire to blend

Mimicking the falseness to play a role

A dull life manifested with myriad distractions

Happiness is a word played around with disdain

In solitude, you are closer to yourself

Aware of the presence of a soul and true feelings

Living is not an enactment but expressing true intent©

11 thoughts on “Vignette of Life

  1. This is very beautiful for several reasons; It’s filled with insights expressed wonderfully and anyone that have experienced such aloneness finds truth in it and those who have not can empathize. Well done.


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