Dedicated to Writers

The soul of any writing should be illuminating to reflect the authority and uniqueness of a writer’s truthful creative pursuits.  ~Amitav

A writer must strive to enhance literature and be a worthy proponent of the rich legacy of timeless classic literature. Anyone who is into writing and is interested in literature would know that the greatest of writers fought hard to find recognition and space in the grand library of the world. Their life was not easy. They fought failing health, penury, and vicious criticism from society (often ostracised) for writing about its bitter truth.

Every writer, when they were not supported by patrons or the royalty, survived their entire life because of the love for writing and the dream of making literature more powerful.

They believed in selfless pursuits.

Sometimes, battling mental health, failing physical conditions, and troubled family life, they did not waver from the greater cause of writing.

The writing was never meant to be a means of exhibitionism.

Writing few lines here and there does not make anyone a writer. A writer has to struggle, sometimes throughout life to get recognition and respect from the literary world. Going through such difficulties, they could find the inspiration to come up with the finest literature.

Their love for literature kept them motivated and their mind transcended the challenges to find inspiration of the highest order. Some of them were even sent to asylums because of their erratic behaviour; as geniuses, their immensely creative minds and consciousness expanded to the maximum. This is how legends were made. Their literature is still relevant in the modern social milieu.

Writer’s only aim in life is to dedicate time to literature and not on social pursuits to promote themselves through various digital mediums. It is every writer’s dream to be published, but not before producing a quality and substantial amount of literature.

A writer cannot be weak while facing criticism, or even abuse; many such instances will occur. Personally, I too have faced such situations and after carefully introspecting and analysing the individual’s comment, I considered the episodes to be erased chapters. These incidents should make the writer bold and resilient. Criticism will be a part of the journey but so are the numerous accolades and appreciation from wonderful readers.

Compassionate and supportive readers will outnumber the odious individuals who do not comprehend literature but never miss a chance to degrade and vilify people. Such caustic comments come from insecurities and the inability to contribute or pursue a creative journey. Idle minds are the loudest.

Always respect your readers, who support you and takes time to comment on your work, they will motivate you to keep going ahead in the journey.

So, by now you must have figured out that the life of a writer is not an easy one. It’s rigorous learning and the willingness to produce quality work. Be a worthy student to all the legends of literature. Every writer is skilled in some genre or is adept at handling multiple genres (poetry, short stories, novels, travelogues, literary criticism, etc.). The only focus for any writer should be to write, and just write.

Hell with the world around you, who discourages a writer, or asks, “why do you write so much?” Do not be in a hurry to publish, and remember, publish confidently when you know that people are eagerly waiting to read your writings (even if it is a couplet or a simple quote).

Create yourself, be creative, let your imaginations run wild and you will surely produce fantastic literature.

Dedicate your life to creativity and literature and you will be blessed with success. Also, it is a life lesson- Success achieved easily is no success at all, fight for it like a valiant fighter and you will win accolades.

54 thoughts on “Dedicated to Writers

  1. Every line makes a tear drop,,,how much I needed this,,, so badly,,,so what do I say to you concerning this article,,,, I wish I could reblog this

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. My writing finds meaning when I receive a comment like this. I am glad, that it helped you in some way.
      My blog theme does not support the Reblog Button, but I guess you can link my article on your blog, as some of my blogger friends have done it. Looking forward to read some of your work. Best wishes to you.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Please don’t call me Sir. Call me, Amitav. 🙂 Well, we are all here in this blogging sphere and in this pursuit of creativity together. We should support each other and encourage more writers. Glad, you found this article meaningful.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks ..Ya it’s really encouraging n exactly v all sud support each other in our creative journey n…one request ..plz write sumtime very soon on writers block… mostly suffer fm this syndrome..

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ll give you a small tip- There’s nothing called ‘Writer’s Block’. It’s usually a phase when one just feels uninspired or keep imagination on hold due to the mood. When one feels uninspired, one should at least write down few lines even if they do not mean anything; the flow of writing will return. Do not dwell too much on the two words ‘Writer’s block’ (they are just words).

        Liked by 1 person

  2. i think as you said writing is not exhibition so i think for writing recognition is not the main they they write for they write for themselves and yeah feedback can encourage and motivate them and nothing is difficult if you love that thing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Self motivation first, you must be enthusiastic about writing and the creative process should bring you happiness. That positivity and honesty will reflect in your work and readers will automatically want to read your work. And yes instead of unnecessary criticism, writers and for that matter one individual should help another and build a stronger world. Stay motivated and keep writing and live life positively. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. Have a great day.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This was a powerful and encouraging message, Amitav! Thank you so much for sharing it.

    Writing involves so much deep digging and self-motivation. To really achieve beauty in literature, we have to keep working at it…one day and a time…one word at a time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tanya, I knew you would like this piece. Self-motivation is the key. There’s no instant success in literature and there can be many interpretations and not unnecessary criticisms. I hope it is taken as a positive message and writers everywhere support each others work and keep contributing to literature. Thank you so much for your support. Wishing you a great day.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly my friend. The entire article is relevant and it all summed up in the last line. People wants instant success, and in literature or in life its a myth. Write honestly, enjoy the writing and creativity process and be inspired by life. That honesty and integrity will reflect in the writing .

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The world morality comes to mind. Good manners. It’s really made me think. When I joined her I had no confidence. I’ve never met so many beautiful people online. Finally it’s words such as the above that builds community. Just beautiful.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes so true. I write from my heart now. If that offends now and again I will accept the burden. But self expression without fear or malice is good for our inner peace and outer journey. Thank You Again – Tiffany X

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I reblogged a guest blog earlier. A young lady wrote her first english poem it was so very special. Her grammar was better than mine. Which makes me think that the English are fast becoming an ignorant nation. Rant Over. X

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, I could not agree more. Really, I could not. I am sick of people feeling excluded in the world. Words can unite us all. It doesn’t matter whether we can spell or create ‘pretty’ blogs it is about including everyone. I was very down when I joined WordPress last year. People here saved me. Really.

        Liked by 2 people

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