Identity of Words

Dislocated words dangle feebly with excruciating pain

Tattered tendons and muscles do not allow room for communication

Some feelings being alienated and punished with disdain

Looking at the words in agony shatters the heart of Bards

An effort to apply the haphazardly collected words for therapeutic measures

Twisted feelings distort the narratives with a deafening scream

Lost in the meandering labyrinths are the concerted effort of pen and ink 

Ink feels insipid and apathetic towards a literary journey

An arrogant effort to trudge along a burden with lot of conceited effort

Contrived words and feelings are on the verge of insanity

None could feel the pain and embalm the words till they recuperate

Patience can guide the work of precious letters with regained exuberance

Let words be proud messengers and communicate the true feelings©

7 thoughts on “Identity of Words

    1. Difficult question to answer for a writer. But I guess, it’s love for literature and not just writing I would say.
      Important thing is to not stop and keep on penning down the thoughts, with feelings.

      Keep writing and write often. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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