
There is a lot of information to be processed by the human brain on a daily basis. They originate from various sources and presented through different mediums. Most importantly, the mind has to deal with verbal and non-verbal information to make inferences. The images are processed after a lengthy discussion in the mind; this phenomenon is necessary to arrive at a logical inference.

Scanning through dissimilarities and assimilating them involves both the conscious and subconscious domain. Both visual and spatial information are considered to blend them seamlessly in the thought process. Allowing the evolution of the mind is important to zoom in on the continuously transforming dimensions of existence; it is also significant in negating the manipulations to arrive at a clear perception.

Evolution of the mind is possible by engaging in an independent journey across metaphysical dimensions. From this endeavor, a schema of the critical thinking process emerges to intelligently emphasize and approve the entire visual experience to a more concrete form. This will pave the way to connect with multiple networks to map with each node that the mind scans. There is a complex psychological exercise taking place. It is interesting to consider whether the critical thinking excites the neurons to an optimum level to arrive at a legitimate conjecture.

This journey should begin with a rational inquiry about the implicit and explicit information that is available. One has to scrutinize the collective information to arrive at a more streamlined and credible inference, without redacting any part of the information.

The strife between public and individual theories has to be sorted out to create a strong foundation to establish the logical structuring. The journey between skepticism and conviction is not an easy one. Many earlier philosophical discourses are regularly being debated with as much interest, either to discredit them or to provide a more evolutionary explanation after blending them with new perspectives.

The cognitive approach should be capable of investigating with sincerity to arrive at a sustainable theory(s). It is important to engage the innate knowledge and subliminal mental representations, along with free-thinking to contribute to the community of thinkers with interesting inferences. Find value in everyday communication rather than engaging with superficial identities, which have the potential to cause analysis paralysis.

5 thoughts on “Inferences

    1. Thank you so much.
      Picking up cues (the necessary, vital, and subtle ones) requires intense focus, which can be identified by conscious mind. There are so many distractions that we neglect the self or path to self-realization (one of the reason that people and environment can influence and coerce our mind into doing things against our wishes). Today, there are copious amount of information available (24/7) which is confusing for the mind.

      Liked by 2 people

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