
Dominated by the violent ardour Virtues slow down and settle as sediment Reflexes are instigated to act savagely More hunger to feed the rage within Flames consume the Spirit  Shadows fear to hold on for long No clemency for self-destructive behaviour Vehement forces deliver tempestuous souls Carnal desires devour the heart Vehement denial instigated by surrogate feelings Cataclysmic fate lurks in the shadow world© Continue reading Shadowed

Written By Time

Time’s calligraphy etched across the skin After brushing off the inherited innocence Is time playing a game with the mind? A ploy to hasten life across indecisive streets Perceived to be a two-way journey Cryptic decorations narrate a contrary story Often busy to read the subtle hints Without caring to open the subliminal repository Significant things become trivial  Outgrowing and wanting to feel the liberation … Continue reading Written By Time