
If we could really see How many can really see through the barriers? Only the loudest colours appeal to the eyes There is that trembling within Warning of the misguided brightness Painted over all the lies and misdemeanours Time corrodes the surfaces It takes patience to see the misfortune Over which the dreams were resting How many pause to see even that? Repugnance on faces … Continue reading Unseen


It must have stung, but the skin has been unresponsive for a while Determining the emotions in the dark; a tiring work, disrupting the schedule Impatience has hastened the confrontations with a world upturned The shadows have been persistent, like the puppetry of unseen hands Dilemma is now an intense divide- two characters accusing the reflections Waking up to exist in a life that pulsates … Continue reading Divergence

The Decline

You have the answers before the questions arise A lot of vague contemplations, the untrue memories and indignation Skillfully disguised in misdirection, a way paved with untruthful words Waiting for them to falter; strike the vulnerable at a tragic moment Unheard will be the silent shrieks of the soul in an upturned world The spiteful questions smeared with poison to impale the fallen Trample their … Continue reading The Decline


How many escapes it would take to close the doors on all the escape routes? Feeling like a prankster, who wishes to befuddle the truth by running away Many disguises and excuses, masks and sly speeches, are not enough The self-imposed wall waiting for those hands to puncture them for an escape Each of them unique portals to a dark land of delusion and defeat … Continue reading Escapes

Tempestuous Times

Time forgets to reach out to the auspicious moments The idle reaches of those fictitious promises fail to impress There are barren stretches through which fiery paths run Treacherous deals fill the contemptible crucibles of gilded fame Tempers soar across the cluster of hungry abodes; it’s a shame Turning against the great odyssey, the tracks have been burnt Timorous lot raise their voice to intimidate … Continue reading Tempestuous Times

Not Amusing

Amusements are not amusing anymore Slightest hope to escape the revelry thwarted By the unknown hands that surround like apparitions Outlandish illusions form a kind of reality Beliefs based on their premises The rock-hard pillows, heavy mind, interrupted sleep Dreams and their fragments- only a few scattered Abandoned here and there and trampled Unapologetic feet desecrate the coveted territories Dug up, the terrible times, regenerate … Continue reading Not Amusing

Real Existence

Where is that secret book where the designs of the Universe was conceived? If the writing is incomprehensible and the narrator of those esoteric words is sleeping Humanity may not be acquainted with the unusual grammar  The cryptic sentences may have been a deliberate attempt to secure them from pilferage Of human greed and the propensity to destroy any evidence of eternal Truth Using the … Continue reading Real Existence