Love, Lies, and Treachery

Lies love to betray love as love lies in a disheveled manner For there is no antidote for those lies, but an unwilling ailment grips the heart Surrounded by the nemesis, there’s no way love can wake up soon Faithless prayers won’t urge the universe to intervene to settle the ultimate treachery ~Amitav Continue reading Love, Lies, and Treachery

What the Farce

We cannot seek a safe abode when we are on a mission to destroy the invaluable relationship with nature. While there is much rhetoric about its well-being, there are those belligerent enough to call every such effort to be a drivel. Remember, the adults are troublemakers; disrupting and destroying not only nature but the fragile ecosystem of life. We are bullying and trolling nature and … Continue reading What the Farce