A Morning without Fanfare

Why can’t morning arrive without the unnecessary fanfare 

It is not that we stumble upon this time by chance

As if night would have not been too overwhelmed to place them on morning’s cradle

Have we not thought of creating a ruckus in silence

It sounds ridiculous, I know, but there can be such ideas among us too

Hope, the morning magic is not perceived to be a routine act by an amateur magician

A generalisation is the most hastily woven cloak to wrap ideas of life

Talking of torturous dreams and human transgressions, but then the mundanity is equally tormenting

People wake up wailing, with brooding ideas; there’s lack of ingenuity to think otherwise

To ease out of that cloak for good and allow the soul to get used to the morning light

Be friendly with the darkness too, jut to be aware of its intentions

Sometimes fiendish, sometimes generous- the pockets of moods are quite deep

Place the thoughts only when you are sure, otherwise, rest with the dreams 

They may be troubling and wouldn’t allow sleep to caress you

It’s the utter boorishness of a hostile world that does not allow a quiet morning

The perfumes, austerity, and magnificence are shrouded in a cloak


One thought on “A Morning without Fanfare

  1. Ahh your writing reminds me what treasures the night brings with its magic allowing an easing into rest and the glorious morning bringing fresh the newness of all the universe… never mundane or to be taken for granted 🙏


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