
Metaphorical screams are so disquieting Translated effectively through self-aggrandising acts  Romanticism of untruth portray extravagant characters Numerous misprints and missing words weave tales Like creepy worms devouring the truth There are enough truths birthed from faulty ideologies Expletives reprimand the elegant delivery of life Falsities become a behemoth that threatens mortals ~Amitav Continue reading Poseur

Intentions and Desires

For how long one pretends to look deceptively at destiny When it is an irony not to heed to those deeply concerned voices There is no liberation from the lusty longings  Intensity of emotions scattered in an extremely dark space Syphoned off energy transformed into something monstrous Exhausted bodies can barely lift themselves from ignominy Universe of unconsciousness contradicts eternity Feeble breeze is capable of … Continue reading Intentions and Desires