Life’s Ambiguity

Mind’s in an ambivalent mood

Flowing with sentiments that cannot nourish a soul

So often the mind wanders down uncertain paths

Searching for a solution to alleviate inner confusion

Voicing displeasure because of the nature of life

Precariously balanced on the edge of uncertainty

Spirit begins to wilt due to lack of any pure motivation

Fate chooses multiple paths to walk on, without a plan

Often, deviating from the main purpose of life

Mind starts listening to any misleading speech 

Reiterating the faulty perspectives with staunch belief

The woes of ambiguity dig deeper and cause pain

Spirituality is not a word which can be played with

Gyrating frantically and throwing away different ideas

The spirit develops a strained relationship with the body

Indiscreetly propagating the faulty notions of life

Without being aligned to the Universe fate becomes malefic©

13 thoughts on “Life’s Ambiguity

  1. Wonderful and the conclusion is just beyond any comparison, especially, the last line. The biggest truth of life, you just said in one line.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Spirit begins to wilt due to lack of any pure motivation

    Fate chooses multiple paths to walk on, without a plan

    Often, deviating from the main purpose of life

    Excellent, Amitav! It’s like a boat being tossed about in a storm that cannot break free from the waves due to its meandering course. At least that is the picture my mind painted when I read it…Lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Tanya. 🙂 Yeah when one is not spiritually aware and consciousness is not prepared to welcome the experiences of life beyond the physical, and an individual tries to fill the mind with all kind of notions from various sources; half-baked attempt to comprehend the nature of existence, the journey will become tumultuous and can affect thinking and decision making. It can toss the boat of life in the ocean of vagueness. 🙂

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