She Sat by the Stream…

She sat by the quiet stream, flowing right behind her modest house. Made of grey heavy stones, it withstood the test of time. Away from the crowd of humanity, the house stood still, in the midst of the woods. There was no defined path, to reach the house. Its address not known by many, and not that anyone would like to visit either. All her … Continue reading She Sat by the Stream…

Celebration of Light

Beauteous night is forgotten In the midst of the acclaimed morning Quietly fading into a memory Blanketing the lingering dreams with light Night will wait patiently to return First languid yawn dissipates the night’s cover  Morning light stretching the arms wide To touch upon every soul to awaken Heartfelt morning colors dissolve through the canvas A warm essence kisses the entire paradise Seraphic blessings bring … Continue reading Celebration of Light