
Approaches of a drowsy evening sweeps over the solitary abode Invitation to drink freely from nature, the golden elixir Prepared with cosmic love, the mellow feeling saturates a yearning heart Immersed in solitude there is an urge to inundate the blank pages With verses, in the praise of life and ultimate magnanimity towards a soul Considered lost and busyness has given up any hope of … Continue reading Solitary

Moving Ahead

Finding the lost trails of immaculate life Wandering through the realms of unknown Sprightly dust particles speak to the wind Revealing the paths that were forgotten Moving ahead with conviction Relinquishing the unnecessary dialogues Saving the words to narrate pure feelings Keen traveller does not follow usual routes Freedom from illusions and conspiracies Profound narrations of soul guides Clarity chisels away the obstructive design Unveiling … Continue reading Moving Ahead